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UK Trades
Lock Smiths
Boot & Shoemakers
Fish Merchants

Page 4

In 1885 Thomas bought property from a Mr Appleby at 1,Haley Street, Lane Head and this is where he established his Lock Works. Thomas married twice and had one surviving daughter from each marriage. After his death in 1890 the eldest daughter Mary, together with her husband Nicholas Crossley, carried on the lock business and continued to trade as Thomas Tuckley, Lock, Latch and Key Manufacturers.

Lock Works
Thomas Tuckley Old Lock Works, Haley Street,
Lane Head. [1982]

Works plan



This plan, not to scale, shows the Forward Works as they were when they closed.
At the bottom is Haley Street.

16 is the family house. Adjoining is the building known as "The Warehouse" which contains 16: a brass store downstairs and warehouse and office above; 14: a carriage arch entry to the yard; 13: packing and despatch; and 12: three garages, originally stables.

In the yard, 2 is the site of a wooden building (demolished c. 1948) which was erected about 1860 and originally contained the whole works except the warehouse.

1: "the Brass Shop" where all brass locks were assembled. 3: Iron lock assembly and key fitting shop, with a forge at the top end and four power presses and various hand presses at the bottom end. 4: The tool shop, where tools were forged, originally by hand methods. 5: The engine house (a gas engine until 1935). 6: site of the steam engine house.

7: The varnish house, unused from the 1930s. 8: brew house. 9: coal and coke stores.
10: scrap iron. 11: toilets.




In 1911, William Crossley, a son of Mary, registered for the Company an interesting Trade Mark in the style of a "Boy Scout". The design ,which was registered in September 1911 [No. 335295] was created by Charles Knowles one of Mary's son in laws.It appears to have been used on all their paperwork, packaging and on their locks.

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