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Henry Tuckley


Wills and Administrations with Inventories provide us with valuable information on occupations, assets, surviving family member names and in the Lichfield Records Office are excellent examples of Tuckley documents. The earliest Tuckley Will existing is the 1582 Will of John Tucklye, Bondsman, of Lindon in the parish of Bickenill [Bickenhill] Warwickshire. He seems to have a been a fairly wealthy man.

It reads as follows [Thanks to the translation / interpretation by Brian Tuckley ] :-

In  the name of God amen. The tenth day of our Lord God 1582. I  John Tuckly of Lindon. In  the parish of Bicknell in the County of Warwick. Bondsman being sick in body but praise be to god of fit mind and memory I so make and order this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I command my soul to Almighty God of Creations ----------- to be ---by the merits of his only son Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer and I will my body to be buried in the [Parish ?] churchyard of Bicknell afore said. Also I will that my debts all be discharged of my whole goods. These things being done I give and bequeath unto John Tucklye my natural son ten pounds of Goods ---- money to be paid unto him or his one year next after my decease. Item ----- I give and bequeath unto Anne Tucklye my daughter goods and shillings money and the same to be paid unto her when she has accomplished the age of fifteen years. Item - my will is that my son Thomas shall have forty shillings of goods and ---- money and the money that I --- him to be part  --- in one years --- after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto   ----- my daughter one yearling calf to be paid and delivered unto her one month next after my decease. Item give unto Elizabeth Carter my God Daughter. Item I give unto Elizabeth Eides my God Daughter one sheep and lamb. Item I give unto John Grffin my God Son - I give unto my brother Richard Tucklye  -----  All  All the restof my goods not  --- my funeral --- discharged and my debts  paid I do give and bequeath unto my wife --- Also I do ask and obtain my only and sole executrix of this my last will and testament. Also I do make - my - in Christ John Smith, Will Carter and my son Thomas Tucklye absolution of their sins and they to have of them for their pains. Item the debts that the said John Tuckleye did owe was -----

Attachment dated 1583 Dec 2

The inventory of all goods and chattels of one John Tucklye of Lindon included  Three beds in the chamber, All the linen in the coffers [Cupboard ?] , Four coffers and hangers about the bed, the beam [bull ?] and the cow, all the swine, all the sheep and the herds etc   Total Value £ 2s 3d

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